Monday, May 28, 2007

fasting lifestyle #1 of #40

Classic Bohlender Stunt - I forgot I was fasting junk food and not media so I helped myself to a slushy, chips, and twizzlers only to come home to find I was fasting Junk Food, Media was an optional "Add In"

Theres a storm comin' - To Quote my father "We walked out the front door this morning full of faith, having spent time with the Lord...

Only to find our landscaping covered in TP and the Suburban decorated with pictures of pizza and kettle chips bags and a sign that said "happy fasting"! There was also a hand drawn cartoon called Fasting Bob that I will scan and post later."

All that to say, theres a storm comin'!

Fasting Lifestyle - A fasting lifestyle includes 3 steps - trying, the delete button, and following through with it.

Trying - Set a goal, and make that goal a finish line. Even Lou Engle goes out to BBQ once in a while (trust me, I lived with him), but he got right back on by pressing

The Delete Button -

Just try aagain till your



1 comment:

-Jacob:Cole- said...

I can't believe someone put that on your door, though it is pretty funny! Your right on press the delete butto(And no, I didn't spell button wrong, I just pressed the del. button..)
